Floranid TWIN Permanent 25kg 16-7-15 (+2)


Fertilizers for plants and lawn.

SKU: 4053975162170 Category:


Fast- and long-acting nitrogen-rich fertilizer for the lawn. Can also be applied in plant borders. Application: Both spring, summer and fall Floranid contains the fast-acting ammonium and nitrate, and the long-acting Isodur. This fertilizer is rich in nitrogen. Benefits: – Both fast- and long-acting – Promotes root growth and sod formation of the lawn – Works already at temperatures as low as 5°C – The fertilizer is completely degraded in the soil With extra added trace elements!
Dose: 4kg/are Use The permanent you may use throughout the year, it is recommended to treat three times a year: in spring, summer and autumn. It is best to use 4kg/100m² per treatment. It is recommended to spread before rain is imminent, then the product can be carried into the ground with the rain. Be sure not to sprinkle during hot and dry days as there is a chance that your lawn will get burned. Before you start spreading, you can mow the lawn two to three days in advance. Also, do not sprinkle the fertilizer immediately after mowing because there is also a risk of burning. It’s also better to sprinkle in the evening to minimize the chance of burning. Afterwards, spray profusely (not a little every day).


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